Entries by John Lee

FAI Announce Safer Return To Play Protocol

The Football Association of Ireland recently launched a Safer Return to Play Protocol for all clubs as a cornerstone of the move from cessation to kick-off that will see Adult Amateur, underage National Leagues and Underage football permitted to return to full-contact training, including training games between teams from the same club, from June 29th. […]

FAI Launch Safer Return To Training Protocol

The Football Association of Ireland has today released Safer Return To Training Protocol documents for all Adult Amateur and Under football, including the Underage National League. Following the latest updates from Government on Friday 5th June 2020, the FAI confirmed the return to training date would be June 15th 2020. Today, the release of the […]

SFAI Statement On 2019/20 Competitions

The cancellation of the 2020 New Balance SFAI Kennedy Cup is a decision that is hugely regrettable, but one that ultimately proved unavoidable for the SFAI. We are genuinely disappointed having to make this decision, but in the over-riding interests of player welfare and all who were scheduled to attend, this is absolutely the correct […]

SFAI Update Following Meeting of SFAI Executive Committee

At its video conference meeting on 16/5/2020, the SFAI Executive Committee decided that all of its member Leagues shall be eligible to recommence fixtures and football activity once the schools have reopened, the weekend of 5/6 September next being the most appropriate date to effect the restart. The restart will of course be subject to […]

UPDATE: FAI confirm extension to cessation of all football activity

Further to a statement from the Football Association of Ireland issued this evening, an extension to the cessation order for all football under its jurisdiction until May 18th 2020 inclusive has been confirmed. This comes following directives from Government and the Department of Health. The Association will now examine what this lockdown extension and the […]

UPDATE: Cessation Of All Football Activity Extended Further

Further to a statement from the Football Association of Ireland issued this afternoon, an extension to the cessation order for all football under its jurisdiction until May 5th 2020 inclusive has been confirmed. This comes following directives from Government and the Department of Health. See the full FAI statement below: FAI extends cessation of football […]

SFAI 12 Day Skills Challenge

The SFAI 12 DAY Skills Challenge was launched on March 17th, and seen thousands of young players from across Ireland take part. The daily challenges were based around ball mastery and enjoyment, offering young players the opportunity to improve their skills and express themselves. The Challenge… Day One Wall Ball… Day Two Volleys… Day Three […]

UPDATE: Cessation of all football activity extended

Further to a statement from the Football Association of Ireland this afternoon, an extension to the cessation of all football under its jurisdiction until April 19th inclusive has been confirmed. This comes following directives from Government, the Department of Health and UEFA.

STATEMENT: SFAI Update Regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19) and schoolboy football activities

Thursday 12th March 2020 STATEMENT: Schoolboys Football Association of Ireland Update Regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19) and schoolboy football activities Dear Secretary, Further to confirmation today that all schools across the country will close until at least March 29th 2020, and as the situation with Covid-19 is developing rapidly, the SFAI has taken the following decision. The Schoolboys […]